NDepend on a Real Project, Round 1.1: the Dashboard and a Non-Protected Abstract Class Constructor

The other day I got an email from Patrick Smacchia, generously offering me an NDepend licence on the grounds that if I find it useful I can write about it on my blog. NDepend allows you to write Linq queries against an assembly or a code base to interrogate it for quality issues and see various metrics and reports. I have a personal project underway which I've been working on for some time, so I figured I'd give it a go and see what it can tell me. This is the first of the results.

Using Dependency Injection When Calling .NET Over COM

I've recently been working with a number of VB6 systems which use C# .NET components via COM, and wanted to keep the same sort of organisational structures and patterns in the C# part of the application as I would if it was a standard MVC app or WCF service - namely, using Dependency Injection to plug the various C# classes together. This is easier said than done with COM, but here's an approach I've used to achieve it.