AgileMapper is a powerful and unopinionated object mapper for .NET 3.5+ and .NET Standard 1.0+. It flattens, unflattens, deep clones, merges, updates and projects queries. It works without configuration, but if needed, is highly and easily configurable.

AgileMapper 1.7 is now on NuGet with bug fixes, and some new options for configuring data sources.

Configuring Complete Type Mappings

AgileMapper does a pretty good job of figuring out how to map a pair of types, but for times when types don’t match up at all, complete mappings can now be configured. This configuration is applied by the mapper whenever the configured type pair is matched:

   .MapInstancesUsing(ctx => new AddressDto
       Number = ctx.Source.HouseNo,
       Line1 = ctx.Source.Street,
       Line2 = ctx.Source.Town,
       Line3 = ctx.Source.City,
       Line4 = ctx.Source.County,
       Postcode = ctx.Source.PostalCode

This DotNetFiddle has a live example.

Alternate Data Sources

To map from a data source other than a source model’s matching member, an alternate source can be configured. Again, this configuration is applied whenever the configured type pair is matched:

    .Map(ctx => ctx.Source.Values)
    .ToTargetInstead(); // <- not ToTarget()

In this example AgileMapper’s usual Dictionary mapping is skipped, and the source Dictionary’s Values collection is used to update the target List<Product> using collection mapping instead.

This DotNetFiddle has a live example.

Note that ToTargetInstead() is different to ToTarget():

    .Map(ctx => ctx.Source.Values)
    .ToTarget(); // <- not ToTargetInstead()

With ToTarget(), the usual Dictionary mapping is performed, followed by a collection mapping from Dictionary.Values.

Sequential Data Sources

A set of data sources can now be applied to a target one after the other:

    .Map((c, vm) => new[] { c.HomeAddress })
        .Then.Map((c, vm) => new[] { c.WorkAddress })
        .Then.Map((c, vm) => c.AddressHistory)
    .To(vm => vm.AllAddresses);

In this example the target view model’s AllAddresses collection is populated first using the source Customer’s HomeAddress, then the WorkAddress, then the AddressHistory collection. Previously only one non-conditional data source could be configured for a target member - this option enables multiple sources to be applied in sequence.

Please report any issues or suggestions on GibHub. Happy mapping!