NB: an improved version of this module is here.

Today I wanted to build something into an ASP.NET MVC application to impose a size limit on uploaded files. I wanted to:

  1. Use an HttpModule so I could get at the upload before any Controllers got involved, and
  2. Redirect the request if the file was too big

I did this without much fuss, but the redirect ended up at an ASP.NET “Maximum request length exceeded” error page. I found this solution using custom error pages on Stackoverflow, and this one reading the whole request and then redirecting on VelocityReviews, but I wanted to have the entire solution in one class, and I just wanted to do a redirect, darnit.

So I came up with this; it’s an HttpModule which throws an InvalidOperationException with a unique error message if the request is too big, then catches that same error, calls Server.ClearError(), and performs the redirect. The original request has "/FileTooBig" appended to it so the page knows to display a error message about file upload size.

using System;
using System.Configuration;
using System.Web;

public class UploadedFileSizeScreeningModule : IHttpModule
    private static readonly string _uploadTooBigErrorMessage = 

    public void Init(HttpApplication application)
        application.BeginRequest += ValidateUploadRequest;
        application.Error += HandleFileUploadError;

    public void Dispose()

    private static void ValidateUploadRequest(
        object source, 
        EventArgs e)
        HttpApplication context = source as HttpApplication;

        int maxFileSizeInMB;
        if (!TryGetMaxAllowedFileSize(out maxFileSizeInMB))

        if (!IsValidFileUploadRequest(context))

        long contentLength = context.Request.ContentLength;

        if (!IsUploadedFileSmallEnough(contentLength, maxFileSizeInMB))
            throw new InvalidOperationException(_uploadTooBigErrorMessage);

    private static bool TryGetMaxAllowedFileSize(out int maxFileSizeInMB)
        string maxFileSizeSetting = 

        if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(maxFileSizeSetting))
            // If the config setting hasn't been specified, 
            // default to 5MB:
            maxFileSizeInMB = 5;
            return false;

        return int.TryParse(maxFileSizeSetting, out maxFileSizeInMB);

    private static bool IsValidFileUploadRequest(HttpApplication context)
        if (context.Request.HttpMethod.ToUpperInvariant() != "POST")
            return false;

        // Do something more sensible / appropriate here to check 
        // if the request requires upload size validation:
        return context.Request.Path.Contains("FileUploadPathIdentifier");

    private static bool IsUploadedFileSmallEnough(
        int requestLengthInBytes, 
        int maxFileSizeInMB)
        // Divide by 1024 twice - once to get to KB, once to get to MB:
        int requestLengthInMB = requestLengthInBytes / 1024 / 1024;

        return requestLengthInMB <= maxFileSizeInMB;

    private static void HandleFileUploadError(object sender, EventArgs e)
        HttpApplication context = sender as HttpApplication;

        if (context == null)

        Exception thrownException = context.Server.GetLastError();

        if (thrownException.Message == _uploadTooBigErrorMessage)

            string newPath = 
                string.Concat(context.Request.Path, "/FileTooBig");

            context.Response.Redirect(newPath, true);