Because libraries written for .NET Standard can run on multiple platforms - with more to come in the future - it’s worth considering how or if they run in partially trusted environments. Having implemented support in both ReadableExpressions and AgileMapper, here’s some pointers on how.

What is Partial Trust?

Managed .NET code runs with a set of permissions, used to determine the actions it can perform. If there are no restrictions, the code runs in Full Trust; if there are restrictions, it’s Partial Trust.

For example, the following class uses reflection to access the underlying _items array in a List<T>:

public static class ListUnwrapper<T>
    public static T[] GetItems(List<T> list)
        var underlyingArray = typeof(List<T>)
                BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance)

        return (T[])underlyingArray;

Accessing the value of this private field requires the ReflectionPermission, so when the above code is executed, the environment in which it is executing must be granted that permission. Without it, a MemberAccessException is thrown.

Testing in Partial Trust

There’s a few steps to testing code in a Partial Trust environment:

Enable Partially-Trusted Callers

Add the assembly-level AllowPartiallyTrustedCallersAttribute to the AssemblyInfo.cs of the assembly under test - this declares that the assembly can be used from Partial Trust environments:

[assembly: AllowPartiallyTrustedCallers]

Write a Test Helper

Tests can be executed in partial trust by setting up a partially-trusted AppDomain, having that AppDomain create an instance of a class containing your test methods (your test helper), and executing those methods via a remote proxy from a Full Trust test class.

For example, a basic test helper for the ListUnwrapper would look like this - it derives from MarshalByRefObject to enable remoting from the Full Trust domain into the Partially-Trusted one:

public class ListUnwrapperTestHelper : MarshalByRefObject
    public void TestGetItems()
        var list = new List<int> { 1, 2, 3 };
        var unwrapped = ListUnwrapper<int>.GetItems(list);

        Assert.True(list.SequenceEqual(new[] { 1, 2, 3 }));

Write a Partial Trust Helper Method

Your full-trust test class needs a helper method with which to create a Partially-Trusted domain and execute the test helper test methods. Something like this:

public static class PartialTrustHelper<THelper>
    public static void Execute(Action<THelper> testAction)
        // Just a wrapper method for void tests:
        Execute(helper =>

            return default(object);

    public static TResult Execute<TResult>(Func<THelper, TResult> test)
        AppDomain partialTrustDomain = null;

            // Use the untrusted Internet Zone:
            var evidence = new Evidence();
            evidence.AddHostEvidence(new Zone(SecurityZone.Internet));

            // Setup a permission set from the same untrusted Zone:
            var permissions = new NamedPermissionSet(

            // Setup the new AppDomain with the same root directory
            // as the current one:
            var domainSetup = new AppDomainSetup { ApplicationBase = "." };

            // Create a partially-trusted domain:
            partialTrustDomain = AppDomain.CreateDomain(

            // Create a remoting proxy:
            var helper = partialTrustDomain.CreateInstanceAndUnwrap(

            return test.Invoke((THelper)helper);
            if (partialTrustDomain != null)
                // Be sure to clean up the newly-created domain:

Write Tests

Putting the above pieces together allows you to write tests which execute the test helper’s methods:

public class WhenUnwrappingLists
    public void ShouldUnwrap()
            .Execute(helper => helper.TestGetItems());

…then as the test helper’s method executes, you can see that the current AppDomain is only partially-trusted:

Untrusted AppDomain

From Red to Green

So, one problem - the test we’ve written fails, because as mentioned, Partially-Trusted code can’t use reflection to access the values of private fields:


To fix this, we’re going to need to provide a work-around.

Identifying Partial Trust

The first thing we need to do is figure out if we’re running in a Partial Trust environment. The most reliable way of doing that is to try to perform the restricted operation we’re interested in, and catch the exception:

public static class TrustSettings
    public static readonly bool HasReflectionPermission;

    static TrustSettings()
            // GetNonPublicStaticMethod is a helper polyfill from
            // my NetStandardPolyfills library:
                .Invoke(null, null);

            HasReflectionPermission = true;
            // Ignore

internal class TrustTester
    private static void IsPartialTrust() { }

Note that in order for an exception to be thrown, the operation we execute must be inaccessible in the current context, so the private method we try to invoke is on a separate class.

The Work-Around

Now we can check if we have the ReflectionPermission, we can update ListUnwrapper to provide an alternative implementation:

public static class ListUnwrapper<T>
    public static T[] GetItems(List<T> list)
        if (!TrustSettings.HasReflectionPermission)
            // Running in partial trust:
            return list.ToArray();
        var underlyingArray = typeof(List<T>)
                BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance)

        return (T[])underlyingArray;

The two paths here aren’t equivalent - ToArray() returns an array containing only the list elements, whereas a List’s underlying array can have empty elements on the end - but you get the point for the example.

Our test now passes, and we can write other tests to cover the Full Trust scenario :)