I’ve done better! An improved service client wrapper is described here.

WCF clients need to be cleaned up properly, but as they’re usually auto-generated they don’t implement IDisposable. I’ve been doing a fair bit of WCF work recently, so I wrote a generic WCF client wrapper which effectively gives me a disposable service client.

The ServiceClientWrapper is constructed using a WebServiceConfig instance, which contains a Binding, an EndPointAddress, and whether the client should ignore SSL certificate errors - pretty useful during testing! The Binding can be created based on configuration data or entirely programmatically - that’s not the client’s concern.

Here’s the service client code:

using System;
using System.Net;
using System.Net.Security;
using System.ServiceModel;

public class ServiceClientWrapper<TClient, IService> : IDisposable
    where TClient : ClientBase<IService>
    where IService : class
    private readonly WebServiceConfig _config;
    private TClient _serviceClient;
    public ServiceClientWrapper(WebServiceConfig config)
        _config = config;
    public TClient CreateServiceClient()
        if (_config.IgnoreSslErrors)
            ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback =
                (obj, certificate, chain, errors) => true;
            ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback =
                (obj, certificate, chain, errors) => 
                    errors == SslPolicyErrors.None;
        // Or you can use:
        // _serviceClient = (TClient)typeof(TClient).GetInstance(
        //     _config.Binding,
        //     _config.Endpoint);
        _serviceClient = (TClient)Activator.CreateInstance(
        if (_config.ClientCertificate != null)
                .Certificate = _config.ClientCertificate;
        return _serviceClient;
    public void Dispose()
    private void DisposeExistingServiceClientIfRequired()
        if (_serviceClient != null)
                if (_serviceClient.State == CommunicationState.Faulted)
            _serviceClient = null;

A client for a particular service can then be created something like this:

public class ManagementServiceClientWrapper :
    ServiceClientWrapper<ManagementServiceClient, IManagementService>
    public ManagementServiceClientWrapper(WebServiceConfig config)
        : base(config)

…or with an alias in the using list (if you don’t need a reusable class):

using ManagementServiceClientWrapper =
    ServiceClientWrapper<ManagementServiceClient, IManagementService>;

…where ManagementServiceClient is the auto-generated client class, and the IManagementService is the auto-generated WCF service interface - and used like this:

using (var wrapper = new ManagementServiceClientWrapper(config))

The underlying WCF client created by the CreateServiceClient() call will be disposed after the using(), and hey presto - a disposable WCF service client.

Edit: I’ve added an example application using the client at https://bitbucket.org/MrSteve/wcfserviceclientexample.