This code didn’t quite work how I intended, so I’ve updated it in a follow up blog.

So - first post - might as well start with an extension method of mine I’ve found rather useful recently. It returns a collection of types from all locally-deployed assemblies, optionally filtering by assembly and type. It’s an extension method on Assembly, so if you wanted to get all the available types which implement the IService interface, you could call:

IEnumerable<Type> services = Assembly
    .GetAvailableTypes(typeFilter: t => 
        (t != typeof(IService)) && 

That would dynamically load all the local assemblies, then load each of their types and add any which match the given typeFilter to the set of types returned.

I’ve used this method to set up Enterprise Library Validation; picking out all available Validator objects and registering them against the objects they validate, as well as setting up authorisation on a Service Layer using Unity Interception - both with no configuration files or attributes! I’ve found it very handy indeed for static scope initialisation tasks like these.

Anyway, here’s the code - it’s in C#4:

using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;

/// <summary>
/// Extra methods to execute via an instance of an Assembly.
/// </summary>
public static class AssemblyExtensions
    /// <summary>
    /// Returns all the Type objects with match the given <paramref name="typeFilter"/> 
    /// from the executing assembly and any assemblies in its or lower directories.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="assembly">The Assembly on which the method is called.</param>
    /// <param name="assemblyFilter">
    /// The filter which should be satisfied to consider an Assembly for the returned 
    /// set of Types, if applicable.
    /// </param>
    /// <param name="typeFilter">
    /// The filter which should be satisfied to include the Type in the returned 
    /// set of Types, if applicable.
    /// </param>
    /// <returns>Any Types which match the <paramref name="typeFilter"/>.</returns>
    public static IEnumerable<Type> GetAvailableTypes(
        this Assembly assembly,
        Func<Assembly, bool> assemblyFilter = null,
        Func<Type, bool> typeFilter = null)
        string assemblyDirectory = Path.GetDirectoryName(assembly.Location);

        List<Type> matchingTypes = new List<Type>();

        IEnumerable<string> availableAssemblies = GetAvailableAssemblies(

        availableAssemblies.ForEach(a =>
            Assembly availableAssembly = Assembly.LoadFrom(a);

            if ((assemblyFilter == null) || assemblyFilter.Invoke(availableAssembly))
                IEnumerable<Type> matchingTypesFromThisAssembly = 

                if (typeFilter != null)
                    matchingTypesFromThisAssembly = matchingTypesFromThisAssembly


        Type[] distinctMatchingTypes = matchingTypes
            .OrderBy(t => t.Name)

        return distinctMatchingTypes;

    private static IEnumerable<string> GetAvailableAssemblies(
        Assembly assembly,
        string assemblyDirectory,
        Func<Assembly, bool> assemblyFilter)
        IEnumerable<string> availableAssemblies = 

        if (availableAssemblies.Count() > 1)
            return availableAssemblies;

        // The currently-executing assembly is the only one it its
        // directory; this happens in debugging and deployment 
        // scenarios where each assembly lives in a separate folder. 
        // We need to find the deployment root and hunt down the other 
        // assemblies!

        // Get a reference to another assembly referenced by the 
        // executing assembly which is in the same namespace:
        string assemblyTopLevelNamespace = 
            assembly.FullName.Substring(0, assembly.FullName.IndexOf('.') + 1);

        AssemblyName referencedAssemblyName = assembly
            .FirstOrDefault(an => 

        if (referencedAssemblyName == null)
            return availableAssemblies;

        Assembly referencedAssembly = 
        string referencedAssemblyDirectory = 

        string commonRootDirectory = GetCommonDirectoryPath(

        IEnumerable<string> allDeployedAssemblies = 

        ForceAssemblyLoadCompletion(allDeployedAssemblies, assemblyFilter);

        return allDeployedAssemblies;

    private static void ForceAssemblyLoadCompletion(
        IEnumerable<string> assemblyPaths,
        Func<Assembly, bool> assemblyFilter)
        // In some debugging scenarios, assemblies are copied locally only 
        // when requested; we can force all the referenced assemblies to be
        // copied locally and therefore available by calling Assembly.GetTypes():
        assemblyPaths.ForEach(p =>
            Assembly assembly = Assembly.LoadFrom(p);

            if ((assemblyFilter == null) || assemblyFilter.Invoke(assembly))

    private static IEnumerable<string> GetAssembliesWithinDirectory(string directory)
        return Directory.EnumerateFiles(directory, "*.dll", SearchOption.AllDirectories);

    private static string GetCommonDirectoryPath(string path1, string path2)
        string[] path1Directories = path1.Split(Path.DirectorySeparatorChar);
        string[] path2Directories = path2.Split(Path.DirectorySeparatorChar);

        for (int i = 0; i < path1Directories.Length; i++)
            if (path2Directories[i] != path1Directories[i])
                StringBuilder rootDirectoryBuilder = new StringBuilder();

                for (int j = 0; j < i; j++)

                return rootDirectoryBuilder.ToString();

        // If we've got here then apparently the two paths 
        // are the same:
        return path1;