It is said and experience has confirmed - in programming, naming things is hard. So hard in fact that it’s common for programmers with years and years (and years) of experience to regularly name things poorly.

There’s a number of nuances to giving something an appropriate name, but the one I’m going to talk about here is finding the right level of abstraction. Here’s some simple examples:

var customerList = new List<Customer>();
var sqlServerConnection = GetDatabaseConnection();

In each of these cases, the variable name includes information about its type. Now, in a real program the lines of code following these declarations will use the variables in one way or another - customerList will have customers added to it, sqlServerConnection will be used to execute SQL queries, etc. In this way we can think of each of these variables as providing a service to the code which uses them - that code will have a certain set of interactions with them and require a certain interface to do so; it’s in that interface - in the service provided by each variable to the code that consumes it - that the appropriate level of abstraction is found.

To be more specific: the code that uses customerList probably just needs to be able to put a bunch of Customer objects in a group - odds are the fact that the object fulfilling that need is a List is irrelevant, therefore ‘List’ doesn’t need to be in the name. Further, if we change customerList to be a Collection<Customer>, the variable name is now not only exposing details about the underlying implementation - it’s lying about them. We could change it to customerCollection as part of the same refactoring, or… we could just name the variable customers.

sqlServerConnection is similarly specific about the implementation the variable represents. Does it matter to the code which consumes sqlServerConnection that it’s using an SQL Server database as opposed to a (e.g.) MySQL database? The method which creates the database connection is the provider-agnostic GetDatabaseConnection, so probably not. If not - and we’ve established in my made-up scenario that it isn’t - we can just name the variable connection.

To try and summarise this in a single, pithy statement: a name with the right level of abstraction describes the role played in the code without unnecessary detail.

A More Subtle, More Real-World Example

Let’s say we’ve got an existing application which provides car insurance quotes, and we’re going to be extending it to include quotes for life insurance by integrating a WCF service from the globally-renowned Rainbow Unicorn Corporation. We can already imagine some of the objects involved in this scenario:

  • Something to represent an insurance quote
  • Something to represent a provider of insurance quotes
  • Something to represent a service which provides insurance quotes
  • Something to represent a customer on whom a quote is based
  • Something containing the information Rainbow Unicorn need to provide a quote
  • Something detailing Rainbow Unicorn’s response to a quotation request

Let’s name some of these objects.

At the heart of this setup is something which contains all the information common to insurance quotes we obtain, irrespective of who provided them; I suggest we call this object Quote. Hang on though - our application only deals with insurance quotes, so shouldn’t it be ‘InsuranceQuote’? I’d say no, because as the application only deals with insurance quotes, the context of its code is already specific to insurance - we don’t need to repeatedly specify that with our object naming.

Let’s name the object which represents Rainbow Unicorn themselves. They are a provider specifically of life insurance, so how about… LifeInsuranceProvider? Let’s break that name down into its parts and justify each of them; Provider - yep, happy with that, they provide things. InsuranceProvider - happy with that too, but… doesn’t that contradict the approach we took when we named Quote? Well, yes and no. The context of the application is insurance - which makes it unnecessary to plaster the word ‘insurance’ everywhere - but removing that word in this instance leaves us with Provider, which is a common term in programming; for that reason I’d vote for using ‘insurance’ here to differentiate the object from one which provides (e.g.) validation / data storage / logging. Finally, do we need the word ‘life’? That depends. Will the object describe anything specific to life insurance providers? If so ok, we might want the ‘life’ prefix, if not, no - InsuranceProvider will cover all the bases.

Onto the object we use to call Rainbow Unicorn’s service - what shall we name that? Let’s consider what we know about it, and build the name from those details:

  • It’s a service - let’s call it Service

  • It provides quotes - let’s call it QuotationService

  • It’s specific to life insurance - let’s call it LifeInsuranceQuotationService

  • It’s provided by Rainbow Unicorn, and will therefore contain details specific to Rainbow Unicorn’s needs - let’s call it RainbowUnicornLifeInsuranceQuotationService

  • It operates over WCF - that’s an implementation detail, so let’s not include that.

So RainbowUnicornLifeInsuranceQuotationService - quite a long name, isn’t it? But I’d say the sum of the parts provides just enough detail to encapsulate the service it provides, and no more.

Back to our application. To avoid unnecessary details of our new life insurance service bleeding into parts of the application which don’t need to know about them, we’ll create an interface for RainbowUnicornLifeInsuranceQuotationService to implement. What should we name it?

  • It’s a service which provides quotes - let’s call it IQuotationService

  • Our application already obtains car insurance quotes, so we’ll need to differentiate our new service from any existing car insurance-specific interface - let’s call it ILifeInsuranceQuotationService

  • It’s implemented by Rainbow Unicorn - that’s an implementation detail, so let’s not include that.

Giving us an ILifeInsuranceQuotationService, implemented by the RainbowUnicornLifeInsuranceQuotationService. Both of these names contain enough and only the details which describe the role they play in the application.

Summing Up

Naming things is tricky, but I think it’s something which has rules which can be applied to obtain objectively better or poorer results. I’ve gone through some of the processes I use to name variables and types here - hopefully it’s been useful :)